SaaS Contracts Law Blog

Kristie Prinz addresses the lessons to be learned from today’s worldwide technology breakdown over a software update in this video recorded on 7.19.24. Kristie Prinz See Full Bio

A new FTC “Click to Cancel” Rule would amend the FTC’s existing Negative Option Rule to specifically apply to subscriptions and memberships.  A copy of the FTC notice of proposal is linked here.  If enacted, SaaS companies with a consumer-facing customer base are likely to find themselves subject to more FTC scrutiny on the issue of […] If your SaaS company is relying on an annual paid monthly subscription model with its consumers, the FTC has put you on notice that it believes such plans violate federal law. The FTC has just filed a complaint against Adobe over its “Annual Paid Monthly” subscription contract.   A copy of the FTC complaint is […]

The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce the launch of a new subscription plan, which is intended to simplify the process of working with a lawyer for companies as well as individuals.  The firm’s subscription plans have been been designed to uniquely enable clients to hire and communicate with counsel without the fear or […]

When I am first retained by a software company, I inevitably have a conversation with my contact at the company about their technology model.  Nine times out of ten the client either will be unable to answer the question or will say that they are working under one technology model and send you contracts that […]

As a software attorney advising SaaS companies in contract negotiations, I am frequently asked for advice on negotiating indemnification clauses. While clients all have different risk tolerances when it comes to the issue of indemnification, it is always challenging to advise parties on either side of the negotiating table, as it is difficult to provide […]

Although many businesses are concerned about the potential economic fallout of recent shelter-in-place orders in Silicon Valley as well as more limited office and business closings across the United States, the coronavirus crisis is presenting a unique sales opportunity to savvy SaaS companies, given the fact that much of the United States workforce has suddenly […]

If your software company is like many, you are probably already contemplating the renegotiation of certain contracts due to the uncertainty and changed business conditions arising from the coronavirus pandemic. However, the renegotiation of contracts will inevitably open your software company up to the possibility of having to agree to terms and conditions far less […]

If you are on a law firm mailing list, it is likely that you have seen emails or alerts in the last few weeks that discuss the concept of “force majeure.” Why has the concept of force majeure suddenly become a favorite topic of law firms around the country?  Well, over the month of March, […]

  Have you ever heard the term “SaaS license” or “SaaS Licensing” being used among lawyers and businesspeople? There is a misconception that there is such a concept as a “SaaS license.”  However, in fact, two principles are actually being confused: the “software license” and the “SaaS agreement.”  Why does this matter?  Well, if you […]

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